
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Smashing Mama

My friend won tickets to the Smashing Pumpkins concert for Friday that just passed. *Keyword won so free fun. :-D

Anyway. I just wanted to share that for only the second time in what I estimate to be around 14 months I went night...without any children. So that fact alone made it tons of fun. It has also been at least 7 years since I went to a rock concert. The music was good and because they're a *ahem* more established band the crowd was mostly my age (mid-20s) and up. Which is good because I think I'd feel weird going out and partying with a bunch of 18 year olds at this point in my life. My friend wanted to go backstage and we could've gotten in but I was like, umm no. I had a drink too?!? WHAT! Y'all may have started something by getting me out of the house. :op Naw, but all in all I had a nice night with no worries looooved it.

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