It's a gorgeous day outside! It's in the high 70's to low 80's today. Nanny nanny boo boo for those of you living up north shoveling snow and wearing layers. What am I wearing? Bermuda shorts and a short sleeved light cotton tee with ballet slippers.
This made me think of some single gals I know talking about how they were wearing "mom clothes". Huh? When you think about it us moms DO have our own style. It seems to be the same style for working moms and stay at home moms. Check any kids sporting event or grocery store on the weekend. Chances are you can point out the moms. Examples: V-neck solid color shirts, solid tops with jeans, cargo pants, jogging suits/velour jogging suits (with flip flops), hand sewn clothes.
What can you do to avoid the mom look? Stay away from the mom jeans or anything with an elastic waistband. I'm sorry soccer mom or not you don't have to look like you're going to a yoga class everywhere you go! I understand comfort and ease for running around but put some thought into it.
Dark jeans, flare legged jeans, and jeans with larger back pockets are more flattering to any body shape. Try trading in the yoga pants for some cute capris, a dark khaki is durable and hides tiny handpints. Pair that with a cute tee and don't forget to accesorize! Recently I started wearing my earrings and necklaces again. Yes sometimes I have to wrestle the 9 month old off of them but boy do I look cute. Put forth a little effort. A happy mom makes a happy family.