
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back to School

It's been a while since school started. I just wanted to update you guys. I started school to obtain my Master's degree in August. I decided that I need the proper training if I'm going to switch career fields and do something I totally didn't go to college for. Plus a master degree will give me $4-6K extra each year. Every little bit helps. These children are expensive!

I love it! This term I'm doing online classes. There is so much to learn, I'm loving it. I'm such a nerd. I read, work, take the kids to doctor appointments, and take care of business and our home during them day. Then I have the evenings to have fun with the kids. I admit its hard to stay on top of the housework. I'm a bit overwhelmed with that, but I have a plan to eliminate my clutter and make money at the same time. Craigslist and Ebay are being good to me. This is a good place for us. If I had jumped into a new career with all these damn boys I'd loose my ever-lovin' mind!

Eye Candy 4 the Single Mom--Album Review

Finally Entertainers we grown and sexy women can lust after without robbing the cradle. Have you ever had that creepy feeling because you think an entertainer is cute and you have "thoughts" for a split second but they are a minor, or just barely legal? (Chris Brown a few years ago, LOL) Yea I said it...and what?!? I know y'all thinking the same thing! :op

I can't hide it anymore. I have been listening to the New Kids on The Block, reunion album The Block for a few weeks now. Before you clown me you should check it out. I guarantee that you will be nodding your head and/or singing along before song 4.

This album is basically a GOOD R&B album with hints of pop. The Block starts off with the Sexy 'Click Click'. There seems to be a grown and sexy theme to the album. There is even a song called 'Big Girl' and 'Grown Man' where they sing "I'ma give you some grown man" Ooooh they know just what to say, give it to me daddies. lol. Who knew 5 white guys knocking on middle age's door could be so sexy? Ok 3, Danny and Jonathon arne't quite there yet. Sorry guys. There are a few tracks 'Click Click', 'Stare at You', 'Don't Cry' that are worthy of bedroom rotation if u know what I mean. *wink wink*

So far the two singles released 'Summertime' an upbeat r&b/pop song and 'Single' featuring Neyo are doing very well on the charts despite not getting the radio and television play they deserve. So there are other closet fans besides me. *phew*

They have tried to reunite a few times before but couldn't get everyone on board at the same time. You can tell a lot of money went into this project. Producers include Polow da Don, Neyo, Teddy Riley. Featured artists include Pussy Cat Dolls, Neyo, Akon. Hey if one of the biggest boy bands of all time reunite you gotta do it right. Right? Well in my opinion they did.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Be Careful When You Pamper

Just because you're a single parent doesn't mean you don't need time out for yourself. Eventually you need a break and/or you crave doing something for yourself. I noticed that the easiest way many women pamper themselves, mom and non-moms, is going to the local salon and getting a mani-pedi. It's quick at about an hour or two per visit, reasonably priced for having someone rub on your achey feet and hands, and you can go with your girlfriends, chat, and not lift a finger.

This was my treat to myself yesterday. I got a pedicure. However after seeing a former helath inspector on a Rachel Ray segment I watched the workers more carefully. If you watch carefully they usually aren't very sanitary AT ALL.

I started watching becuase there was an older gentleman getting his pedicure right next to me. He kept groaning and "ouching" saying things like "don't touch that, that's painful, it's called a 'planter's wart'". Ummm ew! I didn't want to get infected with his "warts". lol I remember them saying most nail techs will reuse products that should be discarded after ONE use. Emory boards are not reusable in a nail salon. Think about it. They're sloughing off dead skin, cuticles, and people's nail shavings. Well another tech finished before the one doing Grandpa's nails but tried the same tricks. She reached for my foot out of the water and low and behold pulled out a still-wet-from-the-lady-she-finished-5 minutes ago emory board. I snatched my foot up and said "Mam that one is dirty can you use a new one". They know better they are trying to save money. She put the file down and started scraping my heels (with a tool that didn't come out of barbicide). I let that one slide becuase the tool was shiny and clean. When she finished she picked up the same emory board. I reminded her that I needed a new one. The look in her eyes was like she realized she wasn't going to get away with this one. My pedicure looks cute. I got the white tips. No time for the manicure, even though I wanted one SO BAD. I had to rush home to get my oldest son from the bus.

Here are a few things you should watch out for when at a nail salon:

1.BARBICIDE! All tools being used should be stored in this. Fully covered. This is a disinfectant. This includes metal objects AND brushes.

2.New items. Emory boards, pumice stones, toe separators, the sandals they give you while your feet dry, nails (of course), etc. These things should not be reused. Basic rule is if it didn't come out of the barbicide holder it shouldn't be reused.

3. Clean pedicure basin. All the dirt and dead skin that comes off I certainly don't want a strangers pedicure residue all over my own feet. Look to see if the workers clean the basin and chair right after they finish with a client. This should be done with hot water and a disinfectant. If they don't go to another nail salon.

4. Constant cleaning. Maybe the nail techs clean their equipment and basins at noon and after the store closes. Not good enough! These practices should be done after each and every client.

5. Face masks. I don't know if they are required by law. I think this is a nice touch and have seen some places use surgical masks when giving you a manicure. After all they are right up in your face, breathing on your face and hands. Then again, the masks take away from the spa-like peacful feeling.

Some of the dangers of letting poor hygenie slide at a nail salon: you can catch a fungus, athlete's food, staph infection, contact with fecal matter, E. Coli, various bacterias, contact with human blood (from the tools very common) and many other pathogens.

Who knew getting your main-pedi was this big of a deal? Well frankly it disgusts me and I'd like to see changes. They know better because they get inspected frequently. Next time watch your nail artist carefully. When you see unclean hygeine practices just ask for the appropriate practice politely. Usually they will fix it immediately. If they try to argue just leave, the above fungi and conditions aren't worth it! Pamper yourself safely.

Remember as a single mother you have to take extra care of yourself so in turn you can take care of your children!!